Questionnaire design made easy
Blaise has been designed to make it easy to define computer assisted questionnaires of different size and complexity. You can create small and simple questionnaires, but you can also create huge, complex and hierarchically structured questionnaire models, and link them to available external data files. The data model can be highly structured in blocks, tables (Blaise 4), groups (Blaise 5) and arrays. Fields of various types can be defined. Blaise fields have special properties for survey questions (question texts, answer texts, remark facilities, predefined categories for "don’t know" and "refusal", options for multilingual texts and many things more). It can be prepared easily into a questionnaire and there are data entry facilities for different interview modes (CAPI, CATI, CASI, CADE, CAWI). These modes, from face to face interviewing to WEB interviewing, can be combined. For telephone interviewing (CATI) a complete management system is available to arrange that respondents will be scheduled automatically in time (for example, after appointments, busy and no-answer calls).*
* A production-ready version is available in Blaise 5, but new functionality is added on an ongoing basis