Blaise Training Courses
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) provides training for users in Europa, Africa, Asia and Australia. If you are located in North or South America, check with Westat for course information. This page lists the courses that are currently available. They are offered on a regular basis. Check below or in the calendar to the right for the schedule of upcoming courses.
For a description of each course, click on the course in the sidebar on the right-hand side.
Prices mentioned are based on on-site training at CBS, unless otherwise mentioned. Information on Online Training can be found below.
All classes begin at 9:00 (9:00 am) and end at 16:00 (4:00 pm) with a mid-day break from 12:00 (12:00 pm) to 13:00 (1:00 pm). Lunch is included. Enrollment is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes may be cancelled or rescheduled based on the number of students enrolled.
If you want to sign up for a course, or you are interested in a training that is not currently on the schedule, please send an e-mail to
Blaise 5 basic Training
Currently, there is no Blaise 5 Basic training scheduled.
Blaise 5 Basic Training is a 4-day course for Blaise programmers, but questionnaire designers will certainly benefit from doing this course as well, as layout sometimes refers to the language.
With a lecture, samples and hands-on exercises that students can work through at their own pace, this course has something for everyone.
BB01 – Blaise 5 Basic Course (4 days) - €1500
This course teaches the basics of Blaise 5. It contains an overview of the Control Centre and an explanation of the Blaise language.
It is mostly recommended for Questionnaire programmers, but Questionnaire designers may find it useful to learn the language as well, as layout sometimes refers to the language.
This course covers the following topics:
- Control Centre Overview
- Fields
- Types
- Rules
- Edit Checks
- Blocks
- Tables
- Parallel Blocks
- Keys
- Externals
- Include files
- Lookups
- Classification
- Procedures
- Arrays
- Enhancing Text
- Data interface
Prerequisites for this module are:-
- Some basic working knowledge with Windows computers
- No prior Blaise experience required
Blaise 5 Layout Training
There is currently no Blaise 5 Layout training scheduled.
Blaise 5 Layout Training is a 5-day training course for Blaise developers, specifically how to use the new tools in Blaise 5 to specify and apply layout.
The course combines lecture and demonstration with practical, hands-on exercises that students work through at their own pace. The course exists of 3 modules: BB02, LD01 and RE01. It is possible to follow just 1 or 2 of the modules. The cost for the total Layout Course is €1875.
BB02 – New in Blaise 5 for Blaise 4 Programmers (1 day) - € 375
BB02 is currently not scheduled.
The first module describes what is new in Blaise 5 for Blaise 4 programmers. This is useful for anyone who has worked with Blaise 4, but hasn’t really seen Blaise 5 yet. It is mostly recommended for Questionnaire designers.
This module covers the following topics:
- Control Centre Overview
- Project vs. Solution
- Converting Blaise 4 to Blaise 5
- Source View Features
- Groupable Items
- Text Roles
- Naming Conventions
- Modes
- Special Answers
- Special Answer Sets
Prerequisites for this module are:
- Blaise 4 programming experience, and knowledge about the basics of the Blaise 4 Mode Library and the Blaise 4 Layout-section
LD01 - Blaise 5 Layout Basic: Layout Designer (2 days) - € 750
LD01 is currently not scheduled.
The second module describes the Layout Designer and how to create a layout using the defaults that are shipped with the system. It is highly recommended for Layout Designers.
This module covers the following topics:
- Layout Designer Overview
- Layout Instructions
- Layout Sets
- Promoting
- Mapping
- Modes and Layout
- Parameters (LD)
- Critical Questions
Prerequisites for this module are:
- Blaise 4 programming experience, and knowledge about the basics of the Blaise 4 Mode Library and the Blaise 4 Layout-section
- Knowledge of the topics described in module BB02
RE01 - Blaise 5 Layout Advanced: Resource Editor (2 days) - € 750
RE01 is currently scheduled for 5-6 February, 2024. It will be taught via Zoom.
The third module describes the more advanced layout options. How to change default templates and how to create your own templates. It is mostly useful for specialised Layout Designers.
This module covers the following topics:
- Resource Editor Overview
- Templates
- Areas
- Template Design
- Templates Overview
- Creating your own templates
- Resource Sets
- Controls
- Expressions
- When to use a template
- Parameters (RE)
- Styles
- Mappable Elements
- Runtime Shortcuts
Prerequisites for this module are:
- Blaise 4 programming experience, and knowledge about the basics of the Blaise 4 Mode Library and the Blaise 4 Layout-section
- Knowledge of the topics described in module BB02
- Knowledge of the topics described in module LD01
Blaise 5 Manipula Training
At the moment, there is no Blaise 5 Manipula training planned.
Blaise 5 Manipula Training is a 1.5-day training course for Blaise programmers who have to handle data. It is also useful for people who need to work with CMA, so they can understand how and where to make changes if necessary.
MAN01 – Blaise 5 Manipula (1.5 day) - € 560
This training covers the following topics:
- Convert data (between Blaise, Text, XML, SQL Server, Oracle, ...)
- Create subsets of data and split up data in multiple output files
- Create a data set with a subset of fields
- Extend data sets with new fields
- Merge input files together to one big data set
- Create static and dynamic links
- Learn about common functions in the Manipulate-section
- Learn about how to optimise performance when handling large data sets
Prerequisites for this module are:
- Blaise 4 or 5 programming experience
Blaise 5 cma Training
At the moment, there is no Blaise 5 CMA training planned.
Blaise 5 CMA Training is a 1-day training course for developers who need to learn how to set up CMA for interviewers.
CMA is a tool that is shipped with Blaise which allows interviewers to manage cases. This course also talks about the CPI tool.
The CMA Admin Tool is a tool that is shipped with Blaise which allows supervisors to manage cases. The Admin Tool is for supervisors.
CMA01 – Case Management Application (CMA) (0,75 day) - € 280
This course teaches you how to set up and use our Case Management Application. Interviewers will use this in the field to keep track of their caseload.
This course covers the following topics:
- What is CMA? How to run it?
- Compiling and deploying CMA
- Installing the DepApp
- Overview of CMA interfaces
- CMA Settings
- Customizing CMA
* adding custom columns
* enabling/disabling features
* survey specific settings
* translating CMA
* etc.
- Survey requirements for CMA
- Short overview of the CPI App (Consumer Price Index App)
- Manipula
CMA02 – Case Management Application Admin Tool (0,25 day) - € 95
This course teaches you how to set up the CMA Admin Tool and how to use it. It is meant for supervisors.
This course covers the following topics:
- CMA Admin Tool Overview
- Roles in the interview process
* Interviewer
* Supervisor
* Manager
* Administrator
- Compiling and deploying the Admin Tool
- Admin Tool databases
* UserInfo
* ManageInfo
- Functionality present for each role
* Supervisor
* Manager
* Administrator
- One-step vs. Two-step transfers
- Admin-specific settings
- Manipula
Registration and Payment
To register for training, please send a mail to
After finishing the course, an invoice will be sent to your organisation.
Training Cancellation
You can cancel at any time, but we would appreciate it if you could let us know as soon as you know that you will not be joining us for a course you have signed up for. Registrants may transfer their registration to a colleague in their organization at any time. Please notify
Training Location
Training sessions are held at Statistics Netherlands in Heerlen:
CBS-weg 11
6412EX Heerlen
The Netherlands
Attendees must make their own hotel and travel arrangements. Statistics Netherlands will provide a document with information at sign-up. If you need an invitation letter for a VISA application, you can
On-Site Training
Blaise training or consultancy at the user’s location is available. For per-student fees and estimates of trainer travel and expenses, contact
Online training
In-person training has our preference, but, since the pandemic, courses are also offered online, in half-day segments. Online courses will take place via Zoom, usually from 9:00-13:00 CET/CEST (but times can be adjusted for timezones if necessary). The teacher will explain the slides and show some samples. You wil do the exercises by yourself in between sessions. Participants are requested to leave their video on and their microphone off if possible during the course. They are free to unmute themselves if they want to ask a question.
The fee for the online course is €155 per person per 4-hour Zoom session.