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Cookies uses cookies and web statistics to ensure that the website works properly and to conduct anonymous research into visitor behaviour on the website. Which cookies exactly places and for what purpose are explained below.

Cookies do not contain any personal data

A cookie is a small text file containing a (unique) number. Are you visiting a website? The website will often place cookies on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Cookies placed by contain no personal data. The collected data will therefore remain anonymous.

What type of cookies are used on

Functional cookies: strictly necessary cookies which are used to make the website function properly. Analytical cookies: used for research and web statistics, which helps to improve the website.

Consent for functional and analytical cookies

According to the Telecommunications Act (Dutch Cookie Act), visitors do not have to give their consent to the cookies placed by, because functional and analytical cookies have virtually no privacy implications.

Functional cookies placed places functional cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the website. For example, for security reasons but also to remember visitor preferences such as the selected language or sound volume for videos.

No tracking cookies does not use any tracking cookies. These are cookies that can track website visitors while they are browsing other websites. Therefore, the website does not support the DoNotTrack setting of browsers.

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